The Pleiades is one of the easiest Messier objects to find in the night sky. Tonight we will get there by “star hopping” from Mars. Look east to find a bright red “star” (Mars). It will be above Orion which is now more and more visible at this time of year.
To the right of Mars you’ll see a red star that looks similar to Mars, but smaller and much more twinkly. That’s Aldebaran! We found Aldebaran all the way back in #WUFO week 4! Notice how Aldebaran twinkles, but Mars does not. That’s because stars emit their own light.
From Aldebaran look up a bit and you should easily find the Pleiades. You may not even need to star hop at all, that’s how easy this cluster is to find! It looks like a fuzzy, itty bitty big dipper. 📸 I got these pics of M45 with just a 5yr old smartphone about a week ago.
If you have a pair of binoculars I highly recommend checking out the Pleiades with them. I personally think the whole Taurus constellation is gorgeous with binoculars. Even if you have light polluted skies, a small pair of binoculars will suddenly reveal a ton of stars!
The recording and materials for my class Stargazing for Paranormal Investigators that I hosted live last June is now 50% OFF THROUGH THE END OF THE YEAR