UFO Water

Want to make an extra-magical item?

If you’re familiar with the witchcraft/magical community, chances are you’ve heard of Moon Water. It’s created by sitting out a bottle/container of water, and leaving it to be infused with the moonlight. It can be left on your balcony, driveway, windowsill, or anywhere else that receives ample moonlight. Each moon cycle holds a different correspondence, thus the use of the water in magical practice changes.

So the thought we had was…why can’t we make UFO water?!

The official steps are:

  1. Add water to chosen receptacle (bonus point if it’s a saucer!)
  2. Set receptacle in chosen location (we’d suggest as close to a night sky view as possible)
  3. Leave out until morning.

Your UFO water is now ready!

Recommended Uses:

  • Use as anointing liquid during contact sessions/WUFO events
  • Fill a bowl with UFO water and use to scry
  • Make UFO pancakes with the water (if safe/clean)

Got any other suggestions? Let us know in the comments below!