Click here for this week’s (October 12th, 2022) Wednesday UFO Watch Party Event!
According to the great John Keel, the best time to see a UFO is on any Wednesday night at 10 PM (Mothman Prophecies, pp 143-144). Based on Keel’s research, we decided to form an official Wednesday UFO Watch club! It is 100% open, free, and you can even participate virtually/remotely!
What is the purpose of this, you may ask? The goal is to get as many folks as possible to simply look up – gather some snacks, chairs, lights and make an event of it. This club is 100% open to everyone and is 100% free.
The Wednesday UFO Watch will occur every Wednesday night, at 10 PM (your local time, according to Keel).
Every week we’ll feature a new post on this site, featuring Live Events, activities like Making UFO Water, and cool astrological/astronomical side quests from our pal Maighdlin of Weird Astrology, who gave us the original idea. Cloudy skies? Too cold? No good access to the outdoors? We’ve got you covered! In the interest of making this accessible to as many people as possible, we’ve collected some resources for those of you who want to Watch the Skies but don’t have easy access!
We even have punch cards! You can download the file here. Be sure to give some to your friends! Extra points if you laminate yours.
The rest will occur naturally. The phenomenon will follow.
Most important part? Let us know what you experience! Use hashtag #WUFO on Twitter, IG, Tiktok, etc. to share what you’re experiencing in real-time. Use an app, your mind, your eyes – whatever you can. And know that you are not alone in your endeavors!
Don’t just say Hello to whatever is “UP THERE:” drop in and say Hello to US, TOO!